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Missing Karlberg Slott

Somehow I managed to turn the wrong way out of Karlberg Pendletåg station on my way to the Slott, I could see where I wanted to be, but there was no way to get there short of navigating across a major rail artery, a six metre drop and a dual carriageway. I thought better of it and kept walking to the bridge. Sadly the bridge, Sankt Eriks Bron, took me across the water too, over to Kungsholmen. Climbing up the stairs to the bridge you pass through some wonderful spaces - the bridge is a combined T-Bana and road bridge, so you pass the T-Bana line on the way up to the road level, but underneath that is a derelict space through which a surprising number of people were walking. I assume it was really a pathway or cut through of some kind but I wasn't feeling brave enough to investigate further this time around.

Over on Kungsholmen I wound my way down to the strand and along the waterfront. The Slott across the water. The path passes through a boatyard, past some allotments and into a building site. Looking at the map I see that this is actually very close to Stadshagen, a T-Bana station we got off at looking for adventure and excitment but found only factories and a hospital.

By the time I got to the chemical works it was getting dark, so it was time to start looking for a T-Bana station to get back to T-Centralen.

IMGP1581.JPG How many dicks is that?
IMGP1583.JPG Looking across toward Vasa Staden
IMGP1584.JPG Kungsholms Strand
IMGP1591.JPG Across the water to Vasa Staden
IMGP1593.JPG More of the water
IMGP1600.JPG Betalstation - the checkpoint for the congestion charge
IMGP1602.JPG Some terrible metal animals eating a building
IMGP1604.JPG They are insatiable


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» Marieberg from Stockholm and beyond
On the other side of Kungsholmen is an area called Marieberg - I walked through Rålambshovsparken and across the bridge toward Långholmen.... [Read More]

» Karlberg Slott from Stockholm and beyond
I'd been meaning to go back to Karlberg Slott, having missed it last time I tried to get there. This time I approached from Västra Skogen. There appeared not to be much there, a large parade ground outside the castle... [Read More]


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