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I got off the boat to Vaxholm to explore while I awaited the next return boat back to the city centre. The town itself is a small town of around 5000 people, sometimes considered the capital of the archipelago.

It is not a large town, though it does have an impressive castle, standing protecting the waterway connecting Stockholm to the Baltic sea. The town is largely made of wooden built houses, with a few modern buildings of other materials.

IMGP1690.JPGI took this picture because I liked the ancient trees, but then noticed the driver training setup
IMGP1694.JPG The top of the tourist information building by the town square
IMGP1699.JPG A petrol station
IMGP1704.JPG Signpost
IMGP1705.JPG Sunset over the car ferries


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» Swamps near Vaxholm from Stockholm and beyond
I took the car to Vaxholm, stopping at some swamps along the way. Location Journey... [Read More]

» Bogesunds Slott from Stockholm and beyond
In the swamps outside Vaxholm is Bogesunds Slott, a fortified manor. Location Location Location Journey... [Read More]

» Rindö redoubt from Stockholm and beyond
On the other side of the channel past Vaxholm is Rindö redoubt. I was looking for lunch but instead found a modern art museum just opening for a new show. This was a little peculiar. Its a fort built late... [Read More]

» Vaxholm again from Stockholm and beyond
We took another visit to Vaxholm via Bogesunds Slott. Location Location Location... [Read More]


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