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I thought I'd take advantage of having a car and have a bit of a drive around after dropping A off at the airport. A quick look at the map showed a labyrinth near Bro, so that seemed like a viable destination. However I got a bit distracted on the way there and found myself following signs to Lindormsnäs.

Its a small village on a ness pointing out into Lake Mälaren. I was a little disappointed when I got there how unimportant the lake seems to be to the village, its something at the bottom of the fields, rather than being a central part of character of the place.

IMGP1879.JPG A Saab graveyard
IMGP1880.JPG Mistletoe


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» Låssa church from Stockholm and beyond
Around the corner from Lindormsnäs is Låssa, the village closest to the Rösaring Stone Labyrinth - the maze itself is buried deep in a country park/nature reserve beyond the village. I didn't have time to visit it before returning the... [Read More]


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